Nycon Nylon Control Fibers are engineered for high performance, nonstructural shotcrete and stucco applications. Nycon's total-quality fibers are more effective than wire mesh in crack prevention, and produce tougher, more durable, low-maintenance masonry and concrete.
100% virgin multifilament nylon.
Single-strand, multi-filament fibers specifically engineered for use in gun- or trowelapplied scratch and brown-coat plaster.
Produce quick-finish, hairless, smooth surface.
Resistance to alkalis extremely effective in reducing plastic-shrinkage cracking.
No build-up on pump screens.
No effect on workability.
Increase impact resistance
Increase durability and service life.
Lower water migration.
Enhance bond to matrix due to water absorption properties
chemically inert,
.50" (12mm) lengths
Meets requirements of ASTM C1116 and ACI 524 R-93.
Dosage: 1 each 3 oz. bag per 100 lb. bag of stucco.